Research paper topics for High School

For many students, writing a non-literary, off-topic research paper in an English class can be a fun exercise. Though teens may grumble about it when they receive their assignments, many of them will enjoy the process when they get to explore and learn more about a subject that interests them. These research paper topic range from the political to the cultural and from the current world to the future. Covering everything from cell phone usage to immigration to space exploration, there is plenty for teens to research and explore—and plenty of opportunities for them to become better informed and more skilled in communicating their positions!

  • Should it be illegal to use a cell phone while driving?
  • How do food deserts contribute to obesity in America?
  • What is the DREAM Act—and why does it matter?
  • Should children receive vaccinations?
  • What causes people to fall prey to conspiracy theories?
  • Research the evolution of social media and explore its changing role in people’s lives.
  • Can people be as productive working from home as they are in the office?
  • Is there evidence to show that gun control prevents or lowers rates of gun violence?
  • Write about the history of minimum wage in the US.
  • What factors contribute to the wage gap between men and women? How does the wage gap change when race is also taken into consideration?
  • How are racial demographics in America expected to change over the next 30 years—and what does this mean for our country?
  • How does access to the Internet affect a child’s development?
  • Do college athletes receive good educations?
  • What are the arguments for and against campaign finance reform?
  • What differences do we see between communities with good public transportation and areas without it
  • Research net neutrality and explain why it should or shouldn’t matter to the average person.
  • Why is intersectionality considered an essential aspect of modern feminism?
  • Why do governments around the world tax their citizens so differently—and how do those differences impact people’s daily lives?
  • Is it in the government’s best interest to provide universal healthcare? Why or why not?
  • Is widespread cell phone usage harmful in any way to people? Why or why not?
  • How do maternity leave, paternity leave, and family benefits in the US compare to laws in other countries?
  • What are the negative impacts of donating old clothes and used goods to impoverished nations?
  • Why is space exploration so important in today’s world?
  • What is the cycle of abuse?
  • Should euthanization be legalized?
  • Write a research paper exploring the environmental impact of eating meat.
  • Research the history of cigarette ads and explore how they influenced people from various demographics to take up smoking.
  • Research and explore racial inequalities in our justice system, choosing one area to focus on.
  • How much privacy should people be entitled to when it comes to matters of national security?
  • Do age minimums and drinking laws in the US have any effect on alcoholism rates?
  • Does abstinence education work?
  • What are the ethical concerns of people who are for and against animal testing?
  • Research the problems associated with waste and landfills that are running out of room and propose a potential solution.
  • Is overpopulation a real concern in today’s world?
  • What are the arguments for and against redistricting?